Available on Amazon, this book broadly explains the requirement to focus on core components in a business and provides a case study of open-pit mining operations throughout the book to understand the management perspective of large organizations. With globalized approaches of large businesses and the rising requirement of understanding the needs of modern organizations, it is necessary to focus on key areas of businesses to ensure sustainability of operations.
Organizations look into achieving a high return on investments and short-term measures in increasing sales or revenue is considered unsuitable. It is a necessity to look for sustainability and continuous methods of innovation to boost efficiency. This book provides a case study based on large organizations and uses qualitative methodologies where data was collected using in-depth interviews of respondents from various mining companies in the top and middle-level management from different parts of the world, detailing the state of the art of information systems currently used in large scale open-pit miming (LSOPM).​
The education sector has seen tremendous change over the years due to the explosion of new technologies that provide a comprehensive way of allowing students to be a part of a system that is readily available to them. This study reviews the literature on teaching methodologies, concepts of e-learning, and information technologies used for higher education. It is important not just to use technologies but also to assimilate it to the teaching methodology for a system to be rated as successful.
The traditional education system, in many ways was manual and strictly classroom based. But with the advent of technology, the emphasis is on better communication, reduced paperwork and faster methods. Technology has provided a new platform in the form of learning management systems
which caters to the educational requirements of students and staff in colleges and universities. The objective of this research is to understand the use of the modern learning management systems, in this case specifically, the Blackboard system, from the user’s point of view by analyzing the
components of the systems which are generally used by them and their perspective on the modern technologies.
Article (Author) - How to Equip for future outbreaks like COVID-19
As the global pandemic COVID-19 is spreading and causing havoc in almost every part of the globe, it takes a united effort to rise above national boundaries and prepare for it in unison. This article addresses the requirement of such an effort for future such disease outbreaks.